Das Geheimnis des Erfolges ist, den Standpunkt des anderen zu verstehen.
Henry Ford

About Us

The company FiRealEstate Ltd is a dynamic business mainly active in real estate activities. Courage combined with professionalism are success factors which characterize us. Our own real estate portfolio is well diversified and allows us to respond to different customer requirements. The main focus of the real estate activities are the regions of Central Switzerland and the region around Lugano.
Are you looking to sell your property or you need some advice in the real estate business?
– We are looking forward to get to know you.

Partners and Founders:

Nadine Kalt


Aussenhandelsfachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Höhere Fachschule für Aussenwirtschaft Zug

Adrian Iten


Bsc Business Administration in Finance & Banking
Lucerne University of applied Sciences and
Arts – Hochschule Luzern

Contact Us

Fi Real Estate AG

Brunnenmattweg 3
6037 Root
+41 41 741 8357
Firmennummer Handelsregister
Our dossiers are created using the online tool from www.HomeDossier.ch